frequently asked questions
frequently asked questions
Q1: What is Vibrant?
Vibrant is a Personal CareDirector Service offered through your employer’s health plan. We help you pinpoint the highest quality doctors and hospitals for your specific condition or procedure (this is your “Vibrant Medical Neighborhood”). Then, we help you connect your primary care doctor (PCP) and your choice of specialty doctor. Doctors in your Medical Neighborhood will reduce your financial responsibility by more than 50% for cash payment and our CareDirectors will give you a highly personalized and uniquely valuable experience from start of care to finish.
Q2: What is a Medical Neighborhood?
A Medical Neighborhood is a collaborative group of exceptional doctors, hospitals and other healthcare providers in a specific area. They are hand-selected to cover nearly all the procedures and conditions of Vibrant members.
Q3: How is a doctor determined to be “exceptional"?
Our Personal CareDirectors help you choose doctors within your medical provider network. We ensure that you can pinpoint doctors who have done a lot of your specific specialty care needs and have performed with reliably exceptional quality in complications, mortality, readmissions and patient safety. Vibrant Medical Neighborhood doctors generally perform better than 90% of their peers in every geography.
Q4: Who are Vibrant Personal CareDirectors?
Our Personal CareDirectors are experts that help you navigate all aspects of a referral for specialty care. They collaborate with your primary care doctor and help you pinpoint the highest quality doctors and hospitals for your specific specialty care needs. Our Personal CareDirectors assist you with scheduling consultations and care with your choice of outstanding specialist. They also arrange to reduce your financial responsibility by 50% or more for cash payment.
Q5: What is a Medical Home?
Vibrant Medical Homes are primary care doctors who use Personal CareDirectors to refer members within the Vibrant Medical Neighborhood. Your Medical Home provides exceptional patient-centered primary care and costs you less than other primary care doctors because they are paid in cash.
Q6: Can I keep my primary doctor if she is not a Vibrant primary doctor?
Yes, you can keep your current primary doctor. If you need specialty care, you must call your Personal CareDirector directly. Your CareAdvisor will help you choose best-in-class specialists, all while keeping your primary care doctor connected. You will pay your deductible and coinsurance for the primary care doctor but can still receive a cash payment reduction for your specialty care.
Q7: Can I choose a new primary doctor?
Yes, you can easily choose a new Vibrant Medical Home primary doctor in our MemberHub at When you use a Vibrant primary doctor, you have no deductible and coinsurance, and your primary doctor will work directly with your Personal CareDirector when you need best-in-class specialty care. Your Vibrant primary doctor saves you time and ensures you receive a cash payment reduction for both your primary and specialty care.
Q8: Do I have to use the doctor the Personal CareDirector recommends?
No, you can choose any doctor in your plan’s medical provider network. If you choose a non-Neighborhood doctor, your Personal CareDirector may still be able to help you with cash reduced payment for other specialty care or hospital care you need for your procedure or condition, and we will keep your chosen primary doctor connected.
Q9: How do I make a cash payment?
You pay through Vibrant by using your personal credit card, high deductible health plan (HDHP) debit card, or your personal checking account—very much like PayPal® or Apple Pay. To make it easier to pay cash, your cost is at least 50% lower.
Q10: What if I can’t pay the full amount for my care up front?
You do not have to use the cash reduced payment option—it is available for you to take advantage of whenever you can pay cash for care. Even if you don’t pay cash, your Personal CareDirector will still help you pinpoint, select and schedule top-quality specialty care.
Q11: How does Vibrant impact my current health insurance benefits?
Vibrant is a free service your employer offers to help you make the most effective use of your current health insurance benefits and medical provider network. Your current health insurance benefits remain unchanged but are enhanced when you seek care through a Vibrant Personal CareDirector.
Q12: How do I communicate with a Personal CareDirector?
You can easily call, email or chat with your Personal CareDirector.
Q13: Does it cost anything when I call a Personal CareDirector?
No. Vibrant is a free service.
Q14: How much money will I save by working with a Personal CareDirector?
Your out-of-pocket cost for Vibrant medical events will be between 50% and 100% less.
Q15: How is it possible to get exceptional doctors for 50% less?
You save in two important ways. You save by using doctors selected as part of your Medical Neighborhood. These outstanding doctors are hand-selected because of the high quality of care they have demonstrated, all but eliminating the high cost of poor healthcare outcomes, like costly complications and readmissions. You also save because the doctors and hospitals in your Medical Neighborhood make affordable cash payment possible for you. When you pay cash, doctors and hospitals significantly reduce their expenses.
Q16: How and when will I know the cost of my medical events through Vibrant?
The cost will be presented to you for approval before your medical events and cash payment.
Q17: Will I receive bills or threatening collection calls from Vibrant providers?
No. If you pay cash in full, the doctor or hospital has no need to generate claims and bills or set collection agencies on our members. If you receive a bill in error, just contact your Personal CareDirector and they will correct it for you.
Q1: What is Vibrant?
Vibrant is a Personal CareDirector Service offered through employer health plans. We help members identify the highest quality doctors and hospitals within their medical provider network. Then, we assist the member and their doctors with care coordination, communications and referral management. Additionally, our doctors give a 50% reduction for cash payment. Members have a highly personalized and uniquely valuable experience from start of care to finish.
With Vibrant, both members and their employers prepay the select team of doctors and hospitals in full, eliminating provider cost burdens caused by lengthy claims processing and member collections. Reducing the member’s financial responsibility by 50% expands our doctor’s referrals, reduces their cost of care and increases their profit. Finally, healthcare everyone can feel good about.
Q2: What is a Medical Neighborhood?
A Medical Neighborhood is a collaborative group of the highest quality doctors, hospitals and other healthcare providers in a specific geographic service area. They are hand-selected to cover nearly all the procedures and conditions of Vibrant members.
Q3: How are the doctors and hospitals selected for a Medical Neighborhood?
Vibrant uses precise, current and proprietary quality data to select doctors and hospitals for each Medical Neighborhood. We ensure that members can pinpoint doctors who work together, do a lot of the member’s needed procedure or condition, and have performed with reliably exceptional quality in complications, mortality, readmissions and patient safety. Vibrant Medical Neighborhood doctors generally perform better than 90% of their peers in every geography.
Q4: Who are Vibrant Personal CareDirectors?
Our Personal CareDirectors are experts that help members navigate all aspects of a referral for specialty care. They collaborate with their Vibrant primary care doctor and help them pinpoint the highest quality doctors and hospitals for their specific specialty care needs. They assist members with scheduling consultations and care with their choice of outstanding specialist. They also arrange to reduce members’ financial responsibility by 50% or more in exchange for their cash payment.
Q5: What is a Medical Home?
Vibrant Medical Homes are primary care doctors who use Personal CareDirectors to refer members within the Vibrant Medical Neighborhood. Vibrant Medical Homes provide exceptional patient-centered primary care and cost less than other primary care doctors because they are paid in full in cash.
Q6: How much does this cost me?
The employer pays a small PEPM fee. Then, the Vibrant cash bundled price includes a per-case fee that is based on the size and complexity of each medical event or transaction. The Vibrant bundled price, fee and the resulting net savings are transparent and presented to the employer and member for approval in advance of each medical event and payment.
Q7: How is it possible to get exceptional doctors for 50% less?
You save in two important ways. You save when Members use doctors selected as part of their Medical Neighborhood. These outstanding doctors are hand-selected because of the high quality of care they have demonstrated, all but eliminating the high cost of poor healthcare outcomes, like costly complications and readmissions. You also save because the doctors and hospitals in the Vibrant Medical Neighborhood make affordable cash payment possible for your Members and for you. When you pay cash, doctors and hospitals significantly reduce their expenses.
Q8: Does Vibrant interfere with my medical provider network contacts?
No. Medical provider network contracts control the competitor make-up of the network and require a plan design incentive for using the network. Vibrant has no impact on either network composition or plan design.
The Personal CareDirector Service merely enables a great referral within the member’s medical provider network and helps the provider systematically offer members cash payment for their out-of-pocket cost as directed by their plan design. Providers commonly refer to and often offer a discount to collect member’s financial responsibility—neither of which are restricted nor mentioned in a medical provider network contract. Vibrant simply helps them do it more efficiently.
Q9: How much will my member’s save with cash payment?
Member’s financial responsibility is reduced at least 50%.
Q10: How much will I save with cash payment?
Vibrant saves about $1,500,000 for every 1,000 employees. For each medical event, employers share the balance of Medical Neighborhood savings after the member’s 50% cash reduction in out-of-pocket cost.
Q11: How do I measure if a Medical Neighborhood is lowering my costs?
Cash price savings is the difference between the market price and the Vibrant cash price. Every time your plan funds a Vibrant medical event, you will be provided a transparent breakdown of savings in advance. Savings are net of our fees. For the market price, we use the Truven MarketScan database in the specific geography. Truven MarketScan is independent from Vibrant.
Q12: How much will I improve member care with Vibrant?
In general, a Vibrant Medical Neighborhood is a hand-selected team of prolific doctors, many of which perform higher than 90% of their peers.
Q13: How much will the Personal CareDirector improve the member’s experience?
With a highly personal care experience, Vibrant Medical Neighborhoods uniquely reduce fear of poor healthcare outcomes and anxiety about the affordability of care. An extensive study shows that 71% of consumers would recommend Vibrant Medical Neighborhoods to others. The percentage is even higher for consumers with high deductibles, as well as those in the middle age range.
Impact to member experience is measured as the difference between Vibrant’s Net Promoter Score and the insurance industry’s Net Promoter Score®. Net Promoter Score is an industry quality and service measure that asks members how likely they are to recommend Vibrant. The insurance industry percentage for the same question is low at about 20% (Net Promoter Score®).
Q14: How do I roll-out Vibrant Medical Neighborhoods to my members?
Employers will welcome members to Vibrant with a comprehensive launch and onboarding toolkit. Vibrant can be put into effect at any time—in fact member focus is best when not included in open enrollment.
Q15: Will my members receive threatening collection calls from Vibrant providers?
No. If your member pays in full and in cash, the doctor or hospital has no need to set a collection agency on your member. If a member receives a bill in error, they can contact their Personal CareDirector and they will correct it for them.
healthcare providers
Q1: What is Vibrant?
Vibrant is a Personal CareDirector Service offered through employer health plans. We help members identify the highest quality doctors and hospitals within their medical provider network. We assist members and their doctors with care coordination, communications and referral management. Our doctors give a 50% reduction in out-of-pocket costs for cash payment. Members have a highly personalized and uniquely valuable experience from start of care to finish.
With the Vibrant service, both members and their employers prepay their select team of doctors and hospitals in full, eliminating provider cost burdens caused by lengthy claims processing and member collections. Reducing the member patient’s financial responsibility by 50% expands your referrals, reduces your cost of care and increases your profit. Finally, healthcare everyone can feel good about.
Q2: For my specialty, how “small” is a Vibrant Medical Neighborhood?
A Medical Neighborhood can serve about 200,000 members, and we set a limit on the maximum number of given specialists based on the size of that Medical Neighborhood. For example, we require just under 20 orthopedic specialists for a Medical Neighborhood with 200,000 members. In the member’s traditional medical provider network, an orthopedic specialist would be among 300 other orthopedic specialists.
Q3: Which hospitals will Vibrant contract with?
When we connect a Medical Neighborhood, we consider outstanding hospitals and outstanding practices at the same time. You should know that Vibrant will also consider competing hospitals and practices. Because you and your hospital are naturally connected, we must reach agreement with both of you, together. However, our time frame is short: 30 to 45 days. For this reason, you should not wait for Vibrant to reach terms with your hospital to return your contract. A late contract return could have a bearing on which hospitals and practices we choose to work with.
Q4: What is the advantage of contracting with Vibrant?
Only a select group of the highest quality doctors and hospitals in the medical community will receive Vibrant member patient referrals. We make it possible for you to reduce the member patient’s financial responsibility by 50% or more, and as a result of working with us, you expand your practice’s referral volume. This reduces your cost and increases your profit.
By contracting with Vibrant, you will collect full, cash payment—including both the member’s financial responsibility and the employer’s. You will not need to collect member payments. Our Personal CareDirector connects you, your member and their referring doctor for better care and a great experience. We help with care coordination, communication, referral management, and we make cash payment possible.
Q5: What is a Medical Neighborhood?
Vibrant uses a proven, proprietary set of rules to identify primary care doctors, specialty care doctors and hospitals who perform in about the top 10% for clinical quality outcomes. Our doctors have fewer complications and readmissions, higher survival rates, and more appropriate and efficient care. These doctors and hospitals are supported by a Vibrant Personal CareDirector who helps them collaborate and coordinate for better care and a great member experience. We call this select group of doctors and hospitals a “Vibrant Medical Neighborhood.”
Q6: What is a Medical Home?
Vibrant primary doctors are primary care doctors who offer patient-centered, comprehensive and coordinated primary health care to members. The Vibrant primary doctors enter into a care contract to use Vibrant Personal CareDirectors to refer member patients within their Vibrant Medical Neighborhood. The member’s financial responsibility is reduced by 50% if they use a provider in the Vibrant Medical Neighborhood and pay cash in full.
Q7: Who are Vibrant members?
Identifying Vibrant members is easy! They present a Vibrant ID card at the time of service along with their insurance card. If a member arrives without a Vibrant ID card reach out to us at 1-844-4VIBRANT for assistance.
Q8: Who are Vibrant Personal CareDirectors?
Our Personal CareDirectors are experts that help a member navigate all aspects of a referral for specialty care. We help members pinpoint the highest quality doctors and hospitals for their specific specialty care needs. They connect members with their Vibrant Medical Neighborhood, primary care doctor and choice of outstanding specialty care doctor for a better experience. Our Personal CareDirectors assist with scheduling consultations and care. They also arrange for a 50% lower member financial responsibility in exchange for cash payment.
Q9: Do members still have health insurance?
Yes. Vibrant is a Personal CareDirector Service offered through employer health plans. We are not health insurance or a medical provider network. Using Vibrant Medical Neighborhoods will optimize—not replace—the member’s benefit plan, insurance or medical provider network.
Q10: Does Vibrant interfere with medical provider network contracts?
No. Medical provider network contracts control the competitor make-up of the network and require a plan design incentive for using the network. Vibrant has no impact on either network composition or plan design.
The Personal CareDirector Service merely enables a great referral within the member’s medical provider network and help’s the provider systematically offer members cash payment for their cost as directed by their plan design. Your practice commonly and freely refers members and often offers a discount to collect member’s financial responsibility—neither of which are restricted nor mentioned in a medical provider network contract. Vibrant simply helps you do it more efficiently.
Q11: Why is payment a different process than I normally follow?
Vibrant optimizes health plans and medical provider networks by making it possible for members and employers to pay cash and in full, so your practice does not need to collect employer and member patient payments. This lowers your cost, and by also lowering the out-of-pocket cost for members, it also helps you expand your referrals.
Q12: What about prior authorization?
Coverage for the member remains governed by their health plan. The health plan will follow their policies and procedures and prior authorization may be required. Your practice may need to contact the health plan before services in order to obtain prior authorization. The Personal CareDirector will verify authorization before cash payment.
Q13: What information is needed to request payment?
For Vibrant Medical Neighborhoods specialists, a Personal Care Advisor will collect all information needed to request payment as they coordinate and schedule the member’s consultations and care.
Q14: What happens if my member patient requires additional services that were not anticipated in advance?
You will contact your Personal CareDirector should this occur. If at any time during the member’s medical event you determine that additional medical services not anticipated in your cash payment price must be performed which results in a different procedure or procedures or a different MS-DRG, the Personal CareDirector will change the episode of care, and you can then request a different cash payment price.
Q15: What happens if I receive cash payment for a medical event and it is unexpectedly cancelled?
You will contact your Personal CareDirector should this occur. We will work with the employer, member and your practice to assist with either rescheduling the service or facilitating a refund.
Q16: What are the payment policies?
Our payment policies match Medicare payment policies.
Q17: Why should I discount my carrier rates?
Right now, patients can’t afford their higher deductibles and therefore aren’t paying their bills. Consequently, you are collecting significantly less than what’s being billed and spending more money trying to collect from patients unsuccessfully.
No matter what the physician’s contractual reimbursement is, what matters is what is collected. The additional discount for Vibrant’s members offsets the typically uncollectible amount. With Vibrant, you can reduce your patient’s high deductibles by 50% or more in exchange for 100% upfront payment. That means it costs your patient 50% less or greater to see you; or if you aren’t in the medical neighborhood, m 50% less or greater to see your competitor.
With Vibrant, you can get your collectibles in order and have a more predictable business. On top of all that, you’ll benefit from getting 3-6 times the member referrals.
Q18: How are doctors and hospitals selected for a Medical Neighborhood?
Vibrant uses accurate, timely, and proprietary quality data to select doctors and hospitals for each Medical Neighborhood. Vibrant Medical Neighborhood doctor generally perform better than 90% of their peers in every geography. We ensure that members can pinpoint doctors who work together, do a large number of our member’s needed procedure or condition, and have performed with exceptional quality and reliability in complications, mortality, readmissions, and patient safety.
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